Technology and Research-Based Approach.
Everything we do is enlightened with spirit and grounded in science.
Enter a new era in health assessment & evaluation.
With our technology we can ‘see’ into your chemistry
and create a plan unique to YOU.
Frequency Based Radionics Technology
This noninvasive bio resonance device reveals the functioning status of every organ system in your body, including any and all dysfunctional pathways, and the relationship of each organ system.
The device has a scanning capability with a detection and a correction mode. The detection mode detects frequencies of the various cells, tissues, and organs in your body and compares them to a database of known healthy frequencies to determine if there are any abnormalities.
The correction mode sends frequencies to the specific areas that were in a catabolic state, allowing your body to correct and re-balance.
The scan produces a 40 to 50 page report detailing the visual health status of your entire body, to include 3 to 5 years into the future with incredible accuracy.
Once we know the exact pathways in the organ systems that are not functioning properly, we can determine the manipulations that need to be applied to the chemistry of your body to correct the dysfunction and restore balance.
Nutritional Blood Microscopy
Nutritional Blood Microscopy is the science of looking at a drop of blood under a high powered microscope to see how your lifestyle is affecting your cellular health. The type of information you can see from this analysis includes presence of infections, nutritional deficiencies, bowel toxicity, liver function and so much more.
Your health and nutrition starts on a cellular level based on what fuel you are putting into your body and how it is being digested and utilized.
Eating habits, busy lifestyles and/or poor health conditions affect us from the inside out, which alters our mood, energy, strength, mental clarity and digestive function to name a few.
This assessment allows you to gain a better understanding of what changes need to be made to improve your digestive health, cellular health and overall body function. With this information a tailored nutrition and supplement plan can be developed to help you reach your health and performance goals.
Enter a new era in healing protocols & equipment.
We have the latest in natural healing technology, combined with the expertise to maximize your healing potential.
PEMF Therapy
Our PEMF system is an FDA approved grounding device that uses a scalar wave technology to restore lost energy and cellular resonance to a normal, healthy state of vibration and balance.
When the cells are restored to a natural state of resonance, the body’s own intelligence can do the healing. The E-Earth system device replaces a very essential and profound element that has always been apart of life that is lacking in our modern lifestyles: grounding.
When the human body is grounded with pulsed electromagnetic frequencies, it is put into a physiologically rested and balanced state which provides multiple health benefits listed below.
There are many benefits you can experience with PEMF therapy:
Stimulation of cell metabolism
Strengthening the immune system
Improved efficiency of vitamin and mineral absorption
Increased efficiency of the respiratory system
Relaxation of the nervous system
Increased bone density
Regeneration of blood cells and increased flow of oxygen
Detoxification of liver, kidneys and spleen