What makes us different?
We blend functional and conventional medicine with a researched-based approach so everything we do is rooted in applied science. Most clients come to us with a long history of seeing multiple MDs, specialists and alternative practitioners in an attempt to get answers. They have spent thousands of dollars on testing and supplements without tangible results. On the contrary, our clients express to us how they have finally found the answers to their health issues they’ve been searching for and find our approach to healing incredibly succinct, targeted and effective.
Working with us will give you a very clear understanding of what you need to do to find your answers and bring your body back into a state of balance. We provide education into the workings of the physiology and chemistry of your body in a way that is simple and empowering. Our team of practitioners have decades of experience and expertise to provide a tailored approach for any health issues you may be experiencing. Our technology and equipment is on the cutting edge of science and is unlike anything currently available in Las Vegas.
What is functional medicine?
Functional medicine involves a holistic approach that looks at the interconnectedness of the whole person – not a disease.
If you support the normal healing mechanisms of the body, the body will heal itself once given what it needs to heal.
Our focus of care is finding the root cause or mechanism involved with any loss of function, revealing why a set of symptoms or disease state is there in the first place.
Health is NOT just the absence of disease but a state of immense vitality. The body is intelligent and has the capacity for self-regulation which expresses itself through balance of all body systems.
A recent JAMA study found improvements in the patients treated with Functional Medicine were significantly higher than those in patients treated with conventional medicine, at both 6 and 12 months.

Know that one day your pain will become your cure.
— Rumi
What is energy medicine?
Energy medicine includes all physical objects (bodies) and psychological processes (thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes) which are expressions of energy or qi or life force.
Health is determined by the overall flow and balance of a person’s vital life force energy and any imbalances or blockages in the natural flow of the subtle energy fields in the body can result in illness or dis-ease.
Devices such as an MRI machine, lasers used in eye correction surgery, or a pacemaker, use veritable energy (energy that can be measured with current technology) for medical diagnosis or treatment.
Other examples of non-medical veritable energy practices used for healing may include sound therapy (tuning forks, crystal singing bowls), music therapy and magnet therapy.
There are also energy techniques categorized as putative energy (energy that cannot be measured with current technology), such as Reiki, prayer, and acupuncture that can greatly affect the subtle energy fields and health of the body.
Our energy body is a blueprint for our physical body. By cleansing and stimulating our energy field, we provide our physical body with the vitality it needs to heal itself naturally.
A randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study looked at the effects of Pranic Healing (PH), as a complementary therapy to improve lung function, physiological condition and quality of life of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients.
The outcome of the study concluded PH as an adjunct to conventional treatment can improve lung function and quality of life of COPD subjects.
All that you eat, all that you see,
all that you hear, all that you take
in through the senses, makes
on your health.
— Sai Baba