Nutritional Blood Microscopy.
Gain a better understanding of what changes need to be made to improve your digestive health, cellular health and overall body function.
Life is in the blood...your cellular health matters! Nutritional blood microscopy gives you the opportunity to SEE the effects of foods and toxins - good and bad - on the cells. When you change your health on a cellular level, you will transform your relationship with food for life.
Nutritional blood microscopy allows you to see how your body is functioning and responding to your lifestyle and nutrition habits on a cellular level.
Free Radical Damage
Free radical and oxidative damage can accumulate over time from exposure to various sources, such as cell phones, toxins or chemicals. The photo above is an example of cellular radiation damage in a 5-yr old child who engaged in excessive tablet use. With children, this kind of damage can occur within 2-10 minutes of device use.
Red Crystal Formation
The formation of these toxic crystals build up as a result of compromised digestion, absorption and assimilation, resulting in bowel and/or liver toxicity, constipation or heavy metal exposure. The photo above shows a formation of high uric acid crystals that built up in the client’s blood.
Platelet Aggregation
Platelets are clotting elements found in blood that assist the body with prevention of haemorrhaging (excessive blood loss). The photo above is an example of platelets clumping together as a result of excessive amounts of undigested fats, sugars, bacteria and fungus in the blood, causing impediment of blood flow and circulation.
Healthy Cells
When we see healthy cells under the high powered microscope, they are plump with smooth edges, separated and uniform in color, which is an optimal state. In the photo above, this in an example of a client with healthy blood that exemplifies the power of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition.