About Us
Back to Balance is a Functional Wellness Center located in Las Vegas, Nevada that assists clients all over the world with resolving their health related issues using exclusively natural methods.
We have a team of practitioners utilizing functional and energy medicine to support your well-being and resolve health related challenges naturally. In order to truly heal, we utilize a mind-body-spirit approach and address the root cause - not just the symptoms.
Our services encompass everything you need to feel good again and heal all under one roof. You’ll no longer need to visit numerous specialists to find answers or spend hours researching healing modalities. Our approach is incredibly effective and we cover everything from nutritional consulting and chronic pain reversal to energy healing and detoxification programs.
For clients with EMF sensitivities, we have practices in place that greatly minimize these types of harmful exposures and maintain an optimal environment for health and healing (read our EMF policy here).
We are incredibly excited to have you join us in this new paradigm of wellness.
It’s time to take back your power.
The struggle of illness gives you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level through the path of healing.

Our Core Philosophy
01 — The body will heal itself.
The body has an incredible healing capacity if given what it needs. Our unique evaluation and assessment process effectively reveals what the body requires in order to facilitate healing.
02 — It is our responsibility to heal & serve ourselves.
Healing begins when you decide that you want better for yourself and learn to adopt lifestyle habits that are in alignment with the design of your remarkable body.
03 — Healing is a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual journey.
A true healing can occur only if all aspects of self are taken into consideration. Healing requires diving inward to explore these deeper connections within ourselves.
04 — Illness is a collection of imbalances created by lifestyle habits over time.
There is no such thing as ‘disease’. Disease is nothing more than the body being forced to create instability and dysfunction as a result of nutritional deficiency, toxic overload, emotional trauma, structural imbalances, and lack of energetic flow. The body does this out of love to survive.
05 — You hold the power to take back your health. We are just the guide.
Getting to the root of your illness can feel like a daunting and overwhelming task when you just want to live your life and feel good in your body again. We provide expertise and guidance to help you get there so you can become an empowered advocate of your own health.