You will learn:
How the scientific method was applied to formulate pranic healing
The basics of your aura and your chakras
Which chakras are personally out of balance and what you can do to harmonize them
How energy contributes to disease
What is energy healing and how it can benefit you personally
How negative energy can affect your emotions and even your beliefs
Tips to cleanse your own aura and chakras to improve your vitality
Tools to create greater harmony in your environments
SPECIAL BONUS: Learn how to program a cactus to cleanse your home of negative energy so you can enjoy greater peace and tranquility.
As a Thank You for registering, you will receive the following gifts:
1. FREE healing session [A $222 value]
Everyone who registers for the online or in person presentation will be included in a free group healing session delivered as you sleep. Healing has never been easier! Your choice between physical healing or emotional healing.
2. Instructions to Program a Cactus to Disintegrate Negative Energy [Priceless]
Learn to instantly program a cactus to disintegrate negative energy in your home, office or even a person! Keep the cactus charged daily so you can enjoy greater peace and harmony in your daily life.
3. 50% off one month Distant Healing Sleep Delivery Group Membership with Sky [$108 value] (each membership includes 8 healings/mo - 2x/week)
The Healing Lounge - Cleanse and energize your aura, chakras, major organs and systems of health
The Inner Peace Lounge - Clear negative energy, empower positive energy, seal your chakras and shield yourself from negative energy
The Prosperity Lounge - Remove energy in your chakras which may be limiting your prosperity and path to abundance