Essential Oil Academy
Learn the wisdom of the plant world and how to use essential oils to care for yourself and your family.
Our next class is Thursday, March 16th, 6pm to 7:30pm
The goal of the EO Academy is to share how to use plant medicine to take back power and control over your mind, body and health through the use of essential oils.
Join Us at Our Next EO Academy Class!
Class 2
Enhanced Cooking With Essential Oils - Is That A Thing?
March 16th, 2023
6 - 7:30pm
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Want to enhance the flavors and nourishment of your food? You can with a few drops of high quality essential oils! Stimulate your appetite, awaken your senses and nurture your body. You'll learn various essential oil combinations to enhance the flavors of your favorite sauces, dressings, smoothies, soups
and more.
Why should you attend?
With this program you will gain practical knowledge and hands on techniques that will allow you to address health issues in the privacy of your own home significantly reducing the need for healthcare visits.
Understand the basic chemistry of how essential oils work as medicine.
Replace common household items like cleaners, makeup and OTC medications, with safe, non-toxic alternatives.
Learn what essential oils to use to address specific ailments.
Become educated in the variety of ways that essential oils can be applied (topical, oral, inhalation, etc.)
Learn why Young Living stands out as the industry leader compared to other essential oils on the market.
Course Curriculum
EO Academy includes 12 monthly foundational classes, introducing essential oils into every aspect of your lifestyle and self care.
Ten classes are 90 minutes in length with an additional 30 minutes at the end for questions or if you would like to learn how to acquire your own oils. Two classes are 2-day hands-on workshop intensives.
The EO Academy will rotate on an annual basis so if you are unable to attend any class, you can attend that same class in the next rotation.
You can register for one class at a time or enroll in all 12 classes together as a package. Back to Balance members receive 20% off the package (call us at 702.363.8779 for your discount code).
EO Academy Class Topics
Class 01 - Essential Oils: What are They and Why Should I Care?
February 16th, 2023
6-7:30 pm
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Come discover what essential oils can do for you! Nature has always provided what we need to be healthy and thrive. Unfortunately, our culture has lost much of this wisdom, replacing it with pharmaceuticals and chemicals that all too often have very detrimental effects. Instead, discover some of nature's most powerful gifts – aromatic plants and their essential oils in this introductory class.
You'll learn what oils are important and necessary to have in your home for general day to day use, self-care and in your First Aid kit. The powerful compounds inherent within oils will be explained, so you can confidently use them, knowing that you are giving yourself and your family excellent protection and health enhancing effects.
Class 02 - Enhanced Cooking With Essential Oils - Is That A Thing?
March, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Want to enhance the flavors and nourishment of your food? You can with a few drops of high quality essential oils! Stimulate your appetite, awaken your senses and nurture your body.
You'll learn various essential oil combinations to enhance the flavors of your favorite sauces, dressings, smoothies, soups and more.
Class 03 - Beautify Yourself With Essential Oils For Skin, Hair & Dental Care
April, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Did you know many women apply over 80 toxic chemicals to their body within the first hour of their day? Yes, it is true! Skin and hair care products, makeup and cosmetics are loaded – even overflowing with extremely harmful chemicals known to cause problems with the nervous system, brain, emotions and hormones. Many of these chemicals are known carcinogens.
The good news is that you can swap out these harmful toxins for personal care products infused with aromatic essential oils. Don't just wash your skin and hair, now you can also enjoy the health enhancing benefits of essential oils! This class introduces you to these delightful alternatives.

Class 04 - Feathers, Fur Babies And Essential Oils!
May, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
We all love our furry four-legged kids! They get into rough tumbles and owies just like our own children do.
Did you know you can use essential oils to support the health and happiness of your feathered and four-legged babies? Yes, you can!
Come learn how in this class. We'll cover oils, dosages and applications for your beloved pets.
Class 05 - How To Neutralize Emotional Pain & Trauma With Essential Oils
June, 2023
(Exact dates to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
We've all experienced emotionally difficult, even traumatic times. Often the nature of depression and other painful, angry and grief-filled emotions make it challenging for us to heal, resolve and move beyond. Partially because a chemical, neurological, hormonal and energetic shift within your body is needed.
The beauty and divine essence of essential oils can be powerful aids in helping you do any emotional healing and release work. This class explains what oils to use, and how you can use them to soothe, uplift and heal your emotions, freeing you from the past..
Class 06 - (TWO DAY WORKSHOP) Day 1 - Ancient Egyptian Emotional Release Ritual Workshop
July, 2023
(Exact dates to be announced)
5hrs each day
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
You will have the opportunity to clear, heal and integrate deep seated emotional wounds and scars that have kept you fearful, stuck, and limited for far too long. In this sacred setting, you may witness and facilitate this healing for another class participant, while they do the same for you.
Rooted in the wisdom of Ancient Egypt, this protocol uses specific essential oil blends designed for this purpose. Each participant is required to bring their own oils for this workshop.
You will be instructed on which essential oils and oil blends to get, one month prior to the workshop, or at the time you register.
Day 2 - Ancient Egyptian Emotional Release Ritual Workshop
July, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
5hrs each day
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
You will have the opportunity to clear, heal and integrate deep seated emotional wounds and scars that have kept you fearful, stuck, and limited for far too long. In this sacred setting, you may witness and facilitate this healing for another class participant, while they do the same for you.
Rooted in the wisdom of Ancient Egypt, this protocol uses specific essential oil blends designed for this purpose. Each participant is required to bring their own oils for this workshop.
You will be instructed on which essential oils and oil blends to get, one month prior to the workshop, or at the time you register.
Class 07 - Dance with Your Dragon - Essential Oils For Healthy Hormones & Libido
August, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Do you often feel like your Dragon has come out blowing flames? How often do you feel like you're a furnace one moment, and the next you're moody and blow up at the tiniest of things? Then other days you cave under headaches and cramps, or drink so much water that you swell up with edema and water weight, or feel so exhausted you want to sleep all day.
How do you ever tamed this inner Dragon? It's time to balance your hormones so your fiery dragon is put to sleep; so that on the other side, you can find relief, relaxation, and rediscover your sexy and true self again!
In this class we'll explain how your endocrine glands work, and identify things that can be throwing them off. Then we'll offer essential oils and supplements that will give your system the tools to do what it was designed to do.
Class 08 - Using Essential Oils & Meridians For Emotional Upliftment
September, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Feeling anxious, frazzled, impatient, depressed and frustrated? Essential oils are great friends and tools to smooth out those emotionally rough edges at the end of a stressful, hectic day, bringing you back to balance, optimism and joy.
This class gives you a basic toolkit of essential oil blends to heal and uplift your emotions, that you can pull out any time throughout your day. You will learn where to best apply them along the meridian lines and over specific acupuncture points of your body for optimal effect and emotional upliftment.
Register for each class separately or purchase the complete EO Academy Package (B2B members receive 20% off)!
Class 9 - Develop & Expand Your Mental Capacities
October, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
6-7:30 pm
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
We all want to do better, be better, think better and act better. The wonderful thing about personal development is that we can intentionally choose what we want to think and believe. We have the power to erase limiting and fear based beliefs and social programming that we were raised with. Habitual thought patterns and beliefs that do not serve us now.
Doing so requires a rewiring of our brain and nervous system, and a reworking of the biochemicals of emotion that the body habitually makes. We can use essential oils to enhance this rewiring process.
This supports us in creating better habits that help us think in more uplifting, expansive and positive ways. Thoughts that reflect deeper beliefs more in alignment with our true, spiritual nature. Curious as to how to do this and what oils to use? Come to this class and it will teach you how!
Class 10 - Have A Clean & Aromatic Home Without Toxic Cleaners & Chemicals
November, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: 8645 W. Sahara Ave.
Don't want your home smelling like a chemical soup every time you clean? With an atmosphere that can leave you feeling groggy and your breathing all congested and stuffed up? Laundry and household cleaners are loaded – even overflowing with extremely harmful chemicals known to cause problems with the nervous system, brain, emotions and hormones. Many of these chemicals are known carcinogens.
Come discover healthier options for keeping your house clean, smelling fresh and inviting with non-toxic, health promoting and powerful essential oil infused cleaning solutions.
Class 11- Using Essential Oils To Build Health, Cleanse & Detox Your Body
December, 2023
(Exact date to be announced)
Each workshop is 5hrs long
Location: TBD
Not only is cleanliness next to godliness, it's also the route to health and well-being! Essential oils have been used since time immemorial as adjuncts to enhance cleansing and detoxification regiments.
This class explains what oils to use to cleanse and support your organs and the major systems of the body. Including oils to strengthen muscles and joints, freeing you of discomfort.
Class 12- (This workshop
is 2 days long) Day 1- The Raindrop Technique Workshop
January, 2024
(Exact date to be announced)
Each workshop is 5hrs long
Location: TBD
This workshop is designed to give you a first go-to tool to take care of yourself, your family and loved ones when anyone starts feeling icky, fatigued and any flu or sickness symptoms like headaches, general body aches, congestion, sore throat, etc. Pulling out the oils and give them a Raindrop can head off the flu and/or shorten the duration of recovery time.
Knowing the Raindrop Technique to give a loved one when they feel anxious, fearful and stressed out can be a huge relief for them to relax and calm down emotionally.
Additionally, you'll learn to better understand the body - how it works and how to take care of it physically and energetically using essential oils.
You'll understand the powerful health benefits of the Raindrop Technique to uplift the mind and emotions, boost the immune system and calm the nervous system. This modality brings balance to all the systems of the body. Detoxification of the body and the release of unhealthy cells, as well as emotional release can also occur.
Each participant is required to bring their own oils for this workshop.
You will be instructed on which ones to get a month before the workshop, or when you register for this class.
Class 12- (This workshop
is 2 days long) Day 2 - The Raindrop Technique Workshop
January, 2024
(Exact date to be announced)
Location: TBD
This workshop is designed to give you a first go-to tool to take care of yourself, your family and loved ones when anyone starts feeling icky, fatigued and any flu or sickness symptoms like headaches, general body aches, congestion, sore throat, etc. Pulling out the oils and give them a Raindrop can head off the flu and/or shorten the duration of recovery time.
Knowing the Raindrop Technique to give a loved one when they feel anxious, fearful and stressed out can be a huge relief for them to relax and calm down emotionally.
Additionally, you'll learn to better understand the body - how it works and how to take care of it physically and energetically using essential oils.
You'll understand the powerful health benefits of the Raindrop Technique to uplift the mind and emotions, boost the immune system and calm the nervous system. This modality brings balance to all the systems of the body. Detoxification of the body and the release of unhealthy cells, as well as emotional release can also occur.
Each participant is required to bring their own oils for this workshop.
You will be instructed on which ones to get a month before the workshop, or when you register for this class.
Registration is Now Open!
Learn More and Secure Your Spot in Essential Oil Academy. Seating is limited! If you are a Back to Balance member please call us for a special coupon code for 20% off the package.