Toxicity is the Root Cause of the Majority of Chronic Illness.
There are over 80,000 synthetic chemicals in our world today that act as endocrine disruptors, genetic mutagenics, and are carcinogenic. Repeated exposure to these chemicals over time accumulates in the body, which then creates inflammatory conditions and dysfunctional pathways, and leads to the manifestation of chronic disease.

Are You Tired of Dealing With:
Carbohydrate indigestion
Unpleasant body odor
Excessive gas
Inability to lose weight
Irritable bowel syndrome
Inability to concentrate
Skin conditions - psoriasis, shingles, eczema, acne
Bloated belly
Sleep disturbances
Brittle nails and hair
Cold hands/feet
Dark circles under the eyes
Allergies & Asthma
Bad breath
Leaky gut
Abdominal pain
Chronic headaches
Emotions you feel are rooted in your intestines and digestive organs

Colon Hydrotherapy Will:
Improved digestion
Alleviate constipation
Whole Body Detox
Improved circulation
Weight loss & stability
No more belly bloat & heaviness
Increased energy levels
Clear skin and eyes
Improved mental clarity
Improved immune system
Reduced risk of colon cancer
What is Colon Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy is a method of safely and effectively hydrating and removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. It is a gentle, restorative and painless procedure of bringing purified, triple filtered water into the colon through a small tube inserted into the rectum.
Colon hydrotherapy allows vital nutrients to be absorbed more easily and leaves you feeling rejuvenated and healthier.
As the water softens waste matter, it is loosened and eliminated through natural peristalsis (muscular contractions of the colon). The inflow of water and the release of waste is repeated several times. It is cleansing and soothing without stressing you.
It helps tone and reshape the colon. A healthy well-functioning bowel is essential for the maintenance of optimal health.
This vital organ is one of the most neglected in the human body, often with an emotional stigma. When the blood stream is overloaded with toxic waste, the body's health and optimal function is diminished.
Why is it Important to Clean the Colon?
A healthy colon is essential to a healthy body. It is a muscle that needs to be regularly stimulated and exercised. If not, the colon muscles become sluggish and don't function well.
Modern diets are full of excess animal proteins, refined and processed foods, sugar, low fiber, unhealthy fats and oils. Plus, the constant pressure of stress and a lack of exercise contribute to many problems associated with the large intestine.
Over time waste material and toxins accumulate and become dehydrated and stagnant. Disease producing bacteria and other organisms feed off the waste, causing putrification and fermentation, which you experience as gas, bloating, headaches, fatigue, and skin problems. This weakens the colon, causing it to breakdown and become toxic.
A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems. Left unchecked, accumulation of toxic materials enter your bloodstream through your colon and get deposited into your cells. Toxins move around in the lymph system and blood, slowly causing auto-intoxification, leading to serious health problems and disease.
Colon cleansing activates the body's self-healing and rejuvenating processes. Your immune system has a chance to relax and let your lymphatic system cleanse your body. Colon hydrotherapy allows more efficient waste elimination and nutrient absorption, which is the first step toward normalizing the colon so friendly bacteria can return to keep it healthy.
It's very safe to have a colon hydro session while you are menstruating. In fact, it can even help alleviate bloating and cramps associated with your period!
What Does Colon Hydrotherapy Do For Your Colon?
Cleanse The Colon -- Toxins built up over a long period are gently removed in a series of treatments. Your colon can begin to operate again as it was intended. In this sense, hydrotherapy is a rejuvenation treatment.
Hydrate the Whole Body -- Water is absorbed into the body through the colon which increases the volume of blood. The circulation of the blood is increased, resulting in a greater bathing of the cells. This dilutes the toxins and flushes them out; relieving toxemia and increasing elimination through the kidneys, skin and bowels. All this generally assists the cardiovascular and circulatory systems to be more efficient.
Stimulate Reflex Points in the Colon -- The colon is connected to every system and organ in the body by reflex points. Colon hydrotherapy stimulates these points, affecting the corresponding body parts in a beneficial way. Thus creating overall health well-being.
Exercise The Colon Muscles -- The build-up of toxins weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. The gentle filling and emptying of the colon improves peristalsis (muscular contraction) by which the colon naturally moves material. Receiving regular colon hydrotherapy is like taking your colon to the gym.
What Does a Session Involve?
When choosing Back To Balance for your colon hydrotherapy experience, you can rest assured you will be treated with dignity and respect. Your session will be private, pleasant and comfortable. There is no smell or mess, and you are covered at all times. Enjoy a tranquil and relaxing environment with color light therapy and diffusing essential oils.
We use a safe Colenz device (the only one in Nevada) that delivers a gravity-fed flow of warm purified water, without harsh pressure. Our water is purified using ultraviolet light and advanced filtration. All equipment used is either sterilized or disposable.
You will be shown how to insert the disposable, single-use nozzle, then the practitioner will leave the room so you can insert and lie comfortably on the hydrotherapy table. Our sessions last approximately 60 minutes, with the water flowing into your colon for 35 minutes.
During your very first session, it is recommended that you allocate 90 minutes. On the day of your sessions, it is recommended that you either eat very lightly, drink only juice, or fast prior to your appointment.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
This depends on you and the severity of any problems. We recommend an initial series of at least 3 cleanses within a 7 to 10 day period for maximum benefit. The reason is that the colon will become hydrated during the first session, therefore it releases more toxins and waste matter from your body during the next session. Years of improper nutrition cannot possibly be reversed in a few treatments.
More treatments may be required in cases of chronic constipation or a sluggish colon. Most people find 6 to 12 treatments are much more beneficial depending on their individual needs.
Following the initial program, a maintenance program will be discussed for your personal needs and goals. For best results cleanse your colon monthly, then a deeper cleanse seasonally, 4 times a year. Colon hydrotherapy should always be done in conjunction with a holistic, plant-based diet, proper water intake and regular exercise.
During your session you will also be bathed in a sea of color under two color lamps located above the body that provide a wide range of frequencies to correct imbalances in the physical and emotional bodies.
For example:
Orange - helps with elimination and discharge of waste
Green – fights and heals infections
Turquoise – heals burns, reduces fever, calms agitation, restlessness, and anxiety
Indigo – helps with insomnia
Choose to Live a Healthy and Fulfilling Life!
Wellness is more than being free from illness. It is a process of commitment and growth towards a lifestyle of health - mentally and physically. Everything we feel and do directly affects our actions and either builds our health and well-being or detracts from it. In order to subdue stress, reduce illness, and ensure positive moments in your life, you must focus on healthy eating and lifestyle habits.
The elimination of undigested food material and other waste products are as important as the digestion and assimilation of foods. It normally takes between 12 - 24 hours for a meal to move through the intestines and eliminated.
When transit time is longer than this and elimination of wastes do not occur, constipation commonly develops. Many factors can contribute to this condition including diet, emotional stress, organic and functional disease. Most people have years of impacted waste material in their colon.
The non-invasive treatment of colon-hydrotherapy is an important part of a healing or a maintenance program to restore, tone and rebuild the health of your colon. It's an effective way to wake up your digestive system and get it working properly. By gently and quickly detoxifying and cleansing your body of accumulated waste, your body has a chance to rejuvenate itself.
With your colon hydrotherapy session, you have the option to add a PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy) mat session, a Raindrop Technique session, and an AromaDome™ Essential Oil Session. These services are conducted in a separate private room where you can rest, relax, and recharge.
PEMF Therapy
Pulsed electromagnetic signals restore your cellular vibration to its natural state of resonance, so the body’s own intelligence can begin to do the healing.
AromaDome™ Session
The concentrated diffusion of essential oils envelopes you in the healing properties of therapeutic grade essential oils for a complete mind+body experience.
Colon Hydrotherapy Services
Experience the gentle difference! Get ready for a comfortable, relaxing, private colon cleansing experience! There is nothing to lose except old waste sitting deep within your colon. It’s worth a shot!
Colon Hydro
01 | $125
03 | $265
06 | $430
We use Colenz®, the only device of its kind in Las Vegas. It is incredibly gentle, easy to use and effective at removing accumulated toxins in the colon.
The WatrPurXL™ system treats the water in the system four ways so you are receiving the purist water possible.
During your 1 hour session, you will receive color therapy and aromatherapy with a therapeutic grade essential oil during your session for a full body experience.
Aroma Reset & Detox Sampler
This Package Includes 1 Session Of Each Of These 3 Services:
Raindrop Technique Session
Raindrop Technique is a sequence of anointing the body with a specific set of essential oils and laying on of hands. Its purpose is to stimulate the organs and systems of the body, like the circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous and skeletal systems.
Aroma Reset Session
Refresh yourself with a blended 30-min Aromadome Essential Oil and PEMF session while your feet are tantalized with a Vita Flex Oil Anointing. Choose from one of these 4 essential oil offerings for both your Aromadome and Vita Flex experience:
Immunity Booster - Give your immune system a strengthening boost with the oils of Orange, Oregano and Thieves blend.
Nervous System Relaxation - Calm and unwind with Lavender and either Stress Away blend or Peace and Calming blend.
Inner Connection - Deepen your spiritual connection and feelings of awe and reverence for The Divine with the essential oils of spruce, Cedarwood, Bergamot and Sage.
Emotional Healing - Transform and release past traumas with the healing essential oils of Lemongrass, Orange, Geranium and Ylang Ylang.
Colon Hydrotherapy Service
Maintain your overall health and optimal digestion by regularly attending to the care of your colon. Colon Hydrotherapy is an excellent way to do this and cleanse your large intestine utilizing our Colenz device.
Aid your relaxation and cleansing experience with the benefit of essential oils with the beautiful aroma of Lavender and either Stress Away blend or Peace and Calming blend diffusing in the room during your session and anointed over your heart.
The oils of Juniper, Grapefruit and DiGize oil blend are applied to the intestinal reflex points on the soles of your feet at the beginning of your session to support your body's intestinal cleansing processes.
Meet Loralee Humpherys
Loralee Humpherys is passionate and committed to healing, natural health and personal evolution, sparked by her spiritual awakening while in college. Two weeks after graduating from college, Loralee's mother passed away from breast cancer, something she had struggled with for 12 years. Observing this, she decided to learn how to live so her life would take a very different route.
A few years later she met a very influential teacher and psychic healer. Through working with her, Loralee's psychic abilities opened. She learned a great deal about energy healing, natural health principles, and caring for her body and herself.
She revamped everything from how she ate and cared for her body, and delved into the inner work of changing limited thoughts, healing and resolving emotional pain.
It is her desire to inspire and aid others on their personal growth and healing path. To help others grasp the great potential within waiting to be discovered, so they may experience a life of fulfillment, creativity and optimal health.
Loralee is a Reiki Master and has practiced Raindrop Technique, massage therapy, meditation, aromatherapy and energy healing for 20 years. She is a graduate of the Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and a Tolman Health Coach, certified in the Tolman Healing Method of holistic healing.